The journal "Tiltanym" was created in 2001 under the leadership of Uali Nurgeldy, Professor, Doctor of Philology.
Since then, there has been a great merit of the executive editors - Doctor of Philology, Professor Z.M. Bazarbayeva and Doctor of Philology, Professor Zh. Mankeeva in the matter of observing the periodicity of the journal issue, maintaining its high quality, conducting scientific editing and proofreading. Along with them, the formation of the journal as a thorough scientific and educational publication was contributed at various times by those who were responsible for the issue - Candidates of Philological Sciences Fazylzhanova A.M., Amanbayeva A., Zhumabayeva Zh., Kobdenova G.; editor Zhamykaeva Sh..
In the first years, the journal "Tiltanym" published only articles of applicants for scientific degrees in Kazakhstan. Later, articles by applicants and scientists from the USA, Canada, Cyprus, Hungary, Switzerland, Russia (Chuvashia, Khakassia, Novosibirsk), the Netherlands, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan (Karakalpakstan), Azerbaijan, China, Turkey, Mongolia began to be published.
The articles published in 2003-2017 on topical problems of linguistics, especially new unexplored areas of science, expand the horizons of knowledge of readers (applicants, researchers, experts).