


The paper defines all the linguistic means denoting political vocabulary. Linguistic concepts such as "political communication", and "political discourse" are considered, and several linguistic units that express them are defined. It is established that language and politics are not considered separately from each other, the analysis of the political system in Kazakhstan of various natures using the language, positions, and statements of public and state figures, and political leaders should be carried out at the junction of political, philological and linguistic research.

A number of basic terms and methods covering the main problems of political linguistics are defined, and an explanation is given for each. In Kazakh society, the place of Alash leaders and activist S. Seifulin in the political discourse is characterized, and recognized based on their works by political leaders, and statesmen, conducting political discussions of a democraticeducational, educational-revolutionary orientation. So far, the language of political leaders has not been studied and cognitively studied only on the basis of their works.

The relevance of our research lies in the study of the political linguistic personality of public figures who lived in Kazakh society within the framework of political discourse, the formation of a political linguistic personality based on slogans, reports, journalistic articles of socio-political content using stylistic structures and types of tropes of the artistic and political image in the language.

The practical significance of the conclusions formulated in the paper is relevant for linguists, Alash scholars, literary critics, and other readers.

About the Authors

A. A. Soltanbekova
Akhmet Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


M. S. Zholshaeva
S. Demirel University


J. B. Satkenova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


R. B. Ramazanov
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Soltanbekova A.A., Zholshaeva M.S., Satkenova J.B., Ramazanov R.B. SEMANTIC FEATURES OF POLITICAL VOCABULARY IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):192-199. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
ISSN 2709-135X (Online)