


The 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, Kazakh public figure, educator, scholar and literary critic will be celebrated at UNESCO level. On this occasion, by reconsidering A. Baitursynov’s life path, his works and scientific papers through a new perspective, with historical and informative data, we will learn the personality of the national figure from a different angle. The main purpose of writing this article is to provide new cognitive data and information about the place of Orenburg in the life and formation of A. Baitursynov, who became an intellectual of the nation, his resettlement to Orenburg, establishing typographical presses, publishing textbooks, books, newspapers for the nation, working at the Commissariat of Public Education of the KazASSR, and his colleagues. Orenburg, the former capital of the KazASSR in 1920-1925, and the center of significant events in Kazakh history, holds a special place. Therefore, by comparing the archive materials of Russia and Kazakhstan, and the viewpoints of scholar-researchers, it will be presented cognitive information about the scholar’s colleagues and the founders of the scientific field. The practical relevance of the conclusions formulated in the article is relevant for the correspondent, the Ahmetologist, the literary scholar and other readers.

About the Authors

A. A. Biyazdykova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


E. Ibrahimov
Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of the NationalA cademy of Sciences of Azerbaijan



1. Works of A. Baitursynov (2013). A collection of works in six volumes. Volume 6, Almaty, «El-shezhire», 2013 – 384 P. (in Kazakh)

2. Kaziev S.S. (2016) Soviet national policy and problems of trust in interethnic relations in Kazakhstan (1917-1991): dissertation ... Doctor of Historical Sciences Moscow. 2016. 556 c. (in Russian)

3. Karimov T. (2015) The history of the Kazakh book and Tatar printers // URL: (in Russian)

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7. Baytelesova Zh.T. (2007) Akhmet Baitursynov: aspect of the development of the Kazakh language // Education. 2007. N4. c. 112-114. (in Russian)

8. Omarov E. (1922) Scientific activity of A.B.Baitursunov // Proceedings of the Society for the Study of the Kyrgyz Region. Orenburg. Issue III. 1922. pp.7-9. (in Russian)

9. Soviet Kyrgyzstan. 1923. № 2-3. (in Russian)

10. People’s Commissars of Kazakhstan. 1920-1946: biogr. directory (2007) / Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, Arys. 2007. 392 p. (in Russian)

11. The history of the western branch of Alash-Orda: collection of documents and materials (2012) / 2012. 464 p. (in Russian)

12. Zataevich A.V. (1925) 100 songs of the Kyrgyz people: (Tunes and melodies). – Orenburg: Kirghiz. State ed. 1925. 403 p. (in Russian)

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For citations:

Biyazdykova A.A., Ibrahimov E. ORENBURG PERIOD A.BAITURSYNOV. Tiltanym. 2022;86(2):3-16. (In Kazakh)

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