


The present study is devoted to the interpretation of linguistic concepts “Day” and “Night” in the artistic texts of the classic of Russian poetry F.I. Tyutchev. The research is carried out in an interdisciplinary aspect based on the linguistic understanding of the concept and the interpretation of this concept in the literary study of the poetic text. In addition, the research uses corpus linguistics methods and corpus technologies for the analysis of a work of art. The relevance of the topic selection is due to the increasing interest of scientists in corpus studies of literary text. The research has a scientific novelty, which is justified by the insufficient development of algorithms for corpus research of poetic text, especially in terms of identifying concepts and their interpretation. The paper comprehensively reveals the theoretical foundations of the study of concepts in various aspects: linguistic, literary, corpus. The works of Kazakhstani scientists on the concepts on the basis of which the theoretical basis of the study is being built are reflected. The structure of the concept, its types and relationship with the author's idea are revealed. In the practical part, the interpretation of the concepts “Day” and “Night” in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev is presented, a corpus study is conducted to identify the frequency of use of a particular concept, the relationship of the concept with the thematic focus of the poem and its ideological content, interesting observations and conclusions are made. In addition to the theoretical substantiation of the problem of interpretation of artistic concepts in a poetic text, the paper presents an algorithm for the study of the concepts “Day” and “Night” in F.I. Tyutchev's poems, based on work with the RNC (Russian National Corpus).

About the Authors

S. Begaliyeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


E. Shmakova
M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University


Zh. Ryssaldiyev
M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University


R. Aliakhunova
M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University



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For citations:

Begaliyeva S., Shmakova E., Ryssaldiyev Zh., Aliakhunova R. LANGUAGE CONCEPTS «DAY» AND «NIGHT» IN THE POETIC WORLD OF F.I. TYUTCHEV (THE EXPERIENCE OF CORPUS RESEARCH). Tiltanym. 2024;(1):144-154.

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