Proverbs are interesting not only as linguistic units, but also as a means of knowing the national character of the people, penetrating into the system of its values, as a repository of various cultural information. Proverbs contain a set of opinions developed by the people as a linguocultural community, they are one of the most important linguistic units that reflect ethnic characteristics, the philosophy of the people. In proverbs about a person, his main features are presented – thinking, speaking, diligence or laziness, social status, his attitude towards people, towards the surrounding nature, etc. The article deals with the proverbs of the Kazakh language with the basic concept of a man. Their semantic features are revealed on the basis of the concept of anthropocentrism, it is described that they express both national and universal features.
In the proverbs of the Kazakh language, the concept of a man is conveyed by the words адам, кісі, жан, біреу, тұлға, as well as other lexical units denoting a man. To define the concept of a man in the proverbs of the Kazakh language, the following classification of proverbs was presented: a man – the image of a man, a man – a man, a man – a society, a man – an image of animals, a man – positive and negative qualities of a man, a man – a child of a man, a man – a word of a man. The results of the semantic analysis of proverbs have theoretical and practical significance, therefore they can be used both in general for linguo-theoretical and linguo-contrastive, and for linguodidactic and linguo-methodological purposes. The analysis and description of the semantic properties of proverbs were carried out using such methods as the method of linguistic description, the method of component analysis, the differential semantic method.
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