In the research, forensic linguistics was considered as a young branch of linguistics. In modern science, it is very important to reveal the paradigmatic essence of the science of linguistic expertise. The paper examines the scientific apparatus of forensic linguistics of a new direction in general linguistics, the names of concepts characteristic of this field, and describes the conclusions of research scholars who have studied it. The analysis of some judicial expert processes is also carried out. It is known that forensic linguistics began to form at the junction of language and law as a new area of expertise. This field of science is becoming very important and relevant due to the lack of a system of linguistic and legal concepts and its unified terminology and the high demand for theoretical and applied linguistics. Until the present, no comparative analysis of the subject and the subject of the study of judicial linguistics and speech education in court has been conducted. Therefore, this study creates prerequisites for the formation of the theory of Kazakh forensic linguistics based on theoretical conclusions in linguistics. Investigations on the intersection of interdisciplinary sciences open up new facets of the field of pragmalinguistics of linguistics and contributes to the deepening of knowledge.
About the Authors
A. A. KassymovaKazakhstan
E. M. Samekbaeva
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For citations:
Kassymova A.A., Samekbaeva E.M. TERMS AND METHODS USED IN FORENSIC LINGUISTICS AND DUTIES OF THE EXPERT. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):174-181. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2023-2-174-181