


The article is devoted to the study of genre and stylistic features of epistolary of Kazakhstan scientists. Epistolary heritage is an important component of the tradition of science and culture of any country. Its research allows to understand more deeply the development and features of this genre in the context of academic environment of Kazakhstan. The purpose of this study is to analyze the epistolary works of Kazakhstani scientists. The main directions of the work are classification of epistolary texts, identification of stylistic features of modern epistolary genre. The main idea of the research is to reveal the role of epistolary genre in scientific communication and to identify its contribution to the development of scientific discourse in Kazakhstan. The scientific significance of this work is to expand the existing knowledge about the genre and stylistic features of scientists' epistolary in the conditions of Kazakhstan's bilingualism. The study allows reconstructing the scientific picture of the biography of Kazakh scientists, revealing the typical features inherent in the epistolary genre in the academic context, which contributes to a better understanding of the linguistic situation in Kazakhstan in the context of two eras: Soviet and modern. The study was based on the analysis of epistolary works of Kazakh scientists, including scientific articles, letters, electronic correspondence from personal archives, as well as archives of academic institutions, in particular, A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics.

About the Authors

A. A. Iskendir
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


J. B. Amanzholova
Astana IT University


M. A. Buribayeva
Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt ata



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For citations:

Iskendir A.A., Amanzholova J.B., Buribayeva M.A. GENRE AND STYLISTIC FEATURES OF N. SAURANBAYEV’S EPISTOLARY. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):54-62. (In Russ.)

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