


Proverbs are structures that contain certain truths or evidence. They cover many aspects of human life and are often used in everyday life. The brevity of proverbs and the ease of use of their structure make it easier to memorize them. In different countries, proverbs often cover a similar topic, but are transmitted in different forms. In the course of the research, we created a site for the online translation of proverbs. In the course of this study, we grouped proverbs according to their subject matter and semantic similarity. We have collected about a hundred proverbs and sayings. The site presents the equivalents of proverbs in the Kazakh and English languages of different levels. Any of these proverbs can be found on the specified site by searching both in English and in Kazakh. The site is intended for a wide range of readers. The site can be used by students of English and Kazakh languages, students of the faculties of translation, philology, psychology, folklore, history, literary studies, cultural studies, etc., as well as teachers, researchers and professional translators. In the future, the site's funds will be constantly replenished.

About the Authors

N. Zhumay
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Corresponding author, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


D. Nurpeissova
A. Saginov Karaganda Technical University



S. Mauletova
A. Saginov Karaganda Technical University




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For citations:

Zhumay N., Nurpeissova D., Mauletova S. EXPERIENCE IN TRANSLATING PROVERBS AND SAYINGS THROUGH A SPECIAL SITE. Tiltanym. 2024;(2):182-192.

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