


The article reveals the linguistic, historical, cultural, social features of godonyms, their quantitative and qualitative indicators as an important linguistic part of the onomastic space of the city of Almaty. The godonyms of the city of Almaty require special study, since they are the main significant object that forms the linguistic, cultural and socio-ethical consciousness of the population, guests and tourists. Since the city is witnessing numerous reforms and historical processes, the study of linguistic features, streets allow you to identify names of national importance, as well as their development. Onomastic names of the city, including godonyms, freely fit into the world, international information space and are widely reflected. It can be observed on electronic maps google map, Yandex map, mobile applications 2GIS. The city’s godonymic names on these maps are transmitted in international Latin graphics or in Russian. The article carried out a synchronous and diachronic, comparative statistical analysis of the streets of Almaty, determined the proportion of national names and classified by semantic type. Specific recommendations are given on the unification of the city of Almaty’s godonymy (street and metro names).

About the Authors

K. Rysbergen
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Rysbergen Kyzdarkhan – doctor of philology, professor


D. Sadyk
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Sadyk Didar – master, Scientific Secretary



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For citations:

Rysbergen K., Sadyk D. LINGUISTIC FEATURES OF THE GODONYMIC SYSTEM OF ALMATY. Tiltanym. 2021;(4):83-92. (In Kazakh)

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