


In the modern scientific paradigm of linguistics, the study of a literary text is carried out through an artistic concept. In this concept, the semantics of the word is considered both individual and common to the nation. This determines the priority of emotional expressiveness in the use of words by the author of a literary text, as well as the presence of an evaluation category. This is recognized as a unit of consciousness that determines the connection between culture and language.

The article discusses the functional pragmatic properties, aesthetic function of zhyrau poetry. This is a space for the exchange of information about complex thought processes, such as perception, understanding, analysis, which allows you to establish a connection between the author and the reader.

When analyzing the poetry of the zhyrau, their desire to critically analyze the state of the people, the linguistic means used to influence the addressee, make it possible to present the image of the zhyrau as an acting personality. Pragmastilistic systematization reveals the common features of the linguistic use of zhyrau. The frequency and clarity of use, partial features of such language tools include the stylistic character of the author. Therefore, it is important to pragmatically and stylistically classify the common features of zhyrau poetry.

About the Authors

K. U. Yessenova
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


B. B. Seуitova
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University



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For citations:

Yessenova K.U., Seуitova B.B. PRAGMASTILISTIC FEATURES OF ZHYRAU POETRY OF THE XV-XVIII CENTURIES. Tiltanym. 2023;92(4):28-36. (In Kazakh)

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