The paper discusses the role of phonetic-phonological transcription in modern linguistics and its scope of application. The aim of the study is also to identify and present the transcription and prosodic specificity of the text as a sample. After all, in modern linguistics, the prosodic side is not taken into account when transcribing texts. In general, the ratio of prosody and intonation was different in modern Kazakh linguistics. The research is guided by the research works of academician Z.M. Bazarbayeva, who for the first time comprehensively studied the problem of intonation in Kazakh linguistics. Also, in the process of analyzing the text, 8 main intonemic models are given. I.e., along with phonetic transcription, intonation(al) transcription of the text will also be transmitted in order to identify prosodic features. Also, in the process of transcription of the text, each sentence is divided into a syntagma, a rhythmic group in which such components as intensity, melody, pause, tempo are distinguished and described.
In the study, models of intonemes of each sentence were created. The results of the research will be useful for conducting research on the prosodic development of the oral sub-corpus database and for the research of master's and doctoral students.
About the Authors
A. AmanbayevaKazakhstan
J. Zhumabayeva
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For citations:
Amanbayeva A., Zhumabayeva J. ORAL PROSODIC CORPUS: PHONETIC-PHONOLOGICAL AND INTONATIONAL TRANSCRIPTION OF THE TEXT. Tiltanym. 2023;(2):32-38. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2023-2-32-38