


The paper deals with the phonetic and phonological character of the vowel phoneme /e/. Also, the vowel phoneme /e/ is presented in modern textbooks, and scientific research, as open, compressed, and semi-open. In this regard, the present study analyzes the vowel phoneme /e/ based on scientific conclusions. Because the vowel sound /e/ is classified differently. There are also studies in which the vowel sound /e/ is treated as a diphthong. In the general Kazakh phonetics, the phonetic and phonological content of vowel sounds, and their distinctive features are considered in detail in the works of researchers. When dealing with the issue concerning the vowel sound /e/, the paper considered the research of A. Baitursynuly, K. Kemengeruly, K. Zhubanov, I. Kenesbayev, S. Myrzabekov, A. Zhunusbek, and N.Uali. Their scientific conclusions about the vowel phoneme /e/ were analyzed. The study's results will be effective for students, undergraduates, and doctoral students to determine the phoneme of the vowel e, which is described differently in textbooks, and scientific papers, for further research.

About the Authors

J. Zhumabayeva
А. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. Amanbayeva
А. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



1. Zhubayeva O. (2002) Q.Kemengerulynyn tiltanymdyq murasy men lingvistikalyq tuzhyrymdary. Filol.gylym.kand. ...diss. – Almaty, 2002. – 174 b. [Language and linguistic development of Kemengeruly. Philol.Nauka.Kand. ...diss. – Almaty, 2002 . – 174 p.] (in Kazakh).

2. Zhusipov M. (1998) Ahmet Baitursynov zhane qazirgi qazaq tili fonologiyasy. –Almaty, 1998. –215 b. [Akhmet Baitursynov and phonology of the modern Kazakh language. – Almaty, 1998. –215 p.] (in Kazakh).

3. Zhubanov Q. (1999) Qazaq tili zhonindegi zertteuler. –Almaty, 1999. –581 b. [Studying Kazakh language. – Almaty, 1999. –581 p.] (in Kazakh).

4. Kenesbayev I. (1987) Qazaq til bilimi turaly zertteuler. –Almaty, 1987. –84 b. [Kazakh language. –Almaty, 1987. –84 p.] (in Kazakh).

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6. Zhunisbek A. (2010) Qazaq til biliminin maseleleri. – Almaty, 2010. – 210 b. [Problems of Kazakh language. – Almaty, 2010. – 210 p.] (in Kazakh).

7. Talipov T. (1968) Glasnye zvuki uigurskogo i kazahskogo yazykov. Alma-Ata, 1968, – 70 s. [Glasnye sounds of uygursky and Kazakh languages. – Alma-Ata, 1968, – 70 p.] (in Kazakh).

8. Zhunisbek A. (1970) Glasnye kazahskogo yazyka. – Almaty, 1970. – 120 s. [Vowels of the Kazakh language – Almaty, 1970. – 120 p.] (in Kazakh).

9. Uаliev N. (1993) Qazaq grafikasy men orfografiyasynyn fonologiyalyq negizderi. Filol. gylym. kand. … diss: 0493RK00571, 10.02.06. – Almaty, 1993. –162 b. [Phonological bases of Kazakh graphics and spelling. Philol. Nauka. Kand. ... diss: 0493rk00571, 10.02.06. – Almaty, 1993. – 162 p.] (in Kazakh).

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For citations:

Zhumabayeva J., Amanbayeva A. PHONETIC AND PHONOLOGICAL CONTENT OF THE VOWEL [E] IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):47-53. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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