


Translation Quality Assessment is a fast growing sub-field of Translation Studies. It focuses on the relationships between the source text and target text. The research project deals with the evaluation of the quality of translation of the work of the famous scholar in the field of world linguistics Tore Janson "The History of Languages: An Introduction". The translation of the 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language was carried out within the framework of the state program "Rukhani Zhangyru”. The relevance of our research work lies in the fact that so far the evaluation of the quality of translation of this work has not been the subject of research in domestic linguistics. This increases the relevance of the research work. It is known that the evaluation of translation quality has become the object of close attention of Western linguists. This research project discusses in detail what translation methods and scientific terms were used by domestic translators in the process of translating the above-mentioned scientific work. The purpose of the research project is to evaluate the quality of translation of Tore Janson's textbook "The History of Languages: An Introduction" into Kazakh. It should be noted that this textbook is intended for teachers and students of educational institutions preparing specialists in the field of linguistics. In order to achieve the goal we have outlined the following tasks: review of Tore Janson's outstanding works in the field of linguistics, review of approaches to translation evaluation, evaluation of the quality of translation of the textbook in Kazakh. In the process of analysis, the author used the original and Kazakh translation of the first chapter of this work. The analysis revealed distortions in the translation of the original's denotative content, inconsistencies in the translation of terms, as well as distortions related to the transfer of the original's stylistic features. The scientific significance of the research work is related to the further expansion of the scope of the study of translation quality assessment from English into Kazakh in the domestic linguistics. The results of the study, aimed at assessing the quality of translation, can be used in lectures on the basics of translator training, translation theory, linguotheoretical basics of linguistics.

About the Author

A. M. Kurkimbaeva
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and world languages

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor.



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