
LINGUISTIC POETICS OF A LITERARY TEXT: COMPOSITE LEVEL (based on the work of writer Alibek Askarov)


One of the types of analysis of a literary text is linguistic poetic analysis, and in linguistics there are several conditions for this type of linguistic analysis. In other words, the following issues should be considered by the linguist researcher: to pay attention to how the author made a selection of language units in accordance with the literary genre of the fiction; to make an analysis of compliance with the norms inherent in the speech samples of the literary text; also to pay attention to the observance of the norms of person and time in the narrative form of speech in a single artistic text; to pay attention and analyze the compositional division of the analyzed artistic text; to give illustrative examples from the studied artistic text and pay attention to the fact that the elements of colloquial speech form a syntagma separated from the emerging patterns of lexical syntagmas in artistic texts, to show that they are able to exist and be in a literary language, since some elements of colloquial speech have potential; to analyze the elements of language that form the imagery of a literary text, as well as to prove that an artistic text enriches the vocabulary, since new words more often generate artistic texts, etc. And also to form an opinion about the individual style of the author.

About the Authors

B. K. Momynova
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


U. G. Anesova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Momynova B.K., Anesova U.G. LINGUISTIC POETICS OF A LITERARY TEXT: COMPOSITE LEVEL (based on the work of writer Alibek Askarov). Tiltanym. 2023;(3):103-111. (In Kazakh)

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