


The study of the phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet is an urgent problem. This is because it allows us to better understand the structure of language and its sound composition. The study of the phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet is necessary for the correct pronunciation of words, as well as for the development of reading and writing skills. The phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet in Kazakh linguistics originates in the works of A. Baitursynuly.  One of the good deeds of Akhmet Baitursynuly for the people is the creation of the Kazakh alphabet in accordance with the sound approach of the Kazakh language. It is known that the first Kazakh phonologist, who specially studied the system of sounds of the Kazakh language and compiled the alphabet, spent his entire adult life cleaning the Kazakh written language from the lexical, syntactic influence of other languages.  The phonemic basis of the letters of the alphabet is determined by the sound composition of the language. A. Baitursynuly is a scientist who first of all accurately determined the sound composition of the Kazakh language to create the alphabet. Therefore, the scientist's alphabet corresponded to the nature and laws of language. In this regard, the paper examines the phonetic and phonemic basis of the letters in the alphabet of A. Baitursynuly and it turns out the letters in the alphabet compiled were created according to a certain grammatical principle. It is established that the letters in the alphabet were chosen according to the phonemic principle and there are linguistic principles for obtaining signs, depending on the general, distinctive features of phonemes. In addition, the study reveals that the alphabet of A. Baitursynuly is formed depending on the systems of sound formation, pronunciation, and audibility, distinguishing not only a sign but also a sign with phonological content. 

About the Authors

N. Amirzhanova
Nazarbayev University


A. Absadyk
M.O. Auezzov Institute of Literature and Art



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For citations:

Amirzhanova N., Absadyk A. PHONEMIC BASIS OF THE LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET BY A. BAITURSYNULY. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):15-24. (In Kazakh)

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