


This study analyzes the compatibility and semantic valence of the word "camel" in linguistic science. The purpose of the paper is to propose ways to verbalize the semantic valence of the word "camel" of the conceptual knowledge that served as the basis for it. Camel is a conceptual concept that has formed the image of the Kazakh ethnic world. It has more than 500 combined complex concepts. Because the camel occupies a special place in the life of the Kazakh people. The natural qualities and functions of the camel are the most important quality, endurance and tolerance and a tendency to a semi-desert zone have been widely recognized due to the combination with the word "camel" in the language system. There is also a special way to formalize and verbalize some concepts that represent the ethnic picture of the world on linguistic resources. Thus, it is quite possible to make a separate subcorpus of conceptual names representing the ethnic image of the Kazakhs from the National Corpus of the Kazakh language. The National Corpus provides effective ways of expressing the conceptual image of the concept, including the ethnic one. The cultural code of phrases semantically combined with the word camel is revealed. Why is the abundance of ethno-marked names related to camels determined in the Kazakh worldview? Since the concept of "image of the world picture" is the subject of interdisciplinary research, it is studied from different angles in each field. Since the worldview is an indicator of mental interpretation, it serves as a cognitive unit that asserts each nation has different knowledge about an abstract concept for a person. Having determined the ability to combine the word "camel" with such potential, we were convinced that the types of camels, the nature of the camel, the functions of the camel, and the connotative attribute that is actively used in describing a person, plant, animal, appearance, and character of a person. Automatization of the text related to the word "camel" is also carried out through a search system. By linking texts to the word "camel", it is quite possible to link them to the semantic designation in the sentence in which the phrase is involved.

About the Authors

G. Talgatkyzy
Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. B. Amirbekova
Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


U. Kayyrbekova
Peoples' Friendship University named after Academician A. Kuatbekov


A. A. Akkuzov
Zh. Tashenov University


N. Shuinshina
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Talgatkyzy G., Amirbekova A.B., Kayyrbekova U., Akkuzov A.A., Shuinshina N. SEMANTIC VALENCE OF THE WORD "CAMEL" AND ITS AUTOMATION METHODS IN THE NATIONAL CORPUS. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):200-209. (In Kazakh)

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