


This paper describes semantic processes in Kazakh terminology (polysemy, broad meaning (eurysemy), semantic shift (broadening/narrowing), terminization and non-terminization of archaisms and terminization of neologisms, the phenomenon of variability) and linguistic data are given. For example, although polysemous terms are the names of different objects and phenomena in several fields, their meanings are closely related and not far from one another, while scientific definitions of terms with broad meanings (eurysemous terms) are far from one another.

The article also states that the article is based on terms created as a result of the expansion of meaning in terminology, the names of objects and phenomena, actions characteristic of the life of the Kazakh nation, i.e. formed metaphorically on the basis of national cognition.

The main influence on the terminologization and determinalization of archaisms in the Kazakh language are various extralinguistic factors (political situations, change of state formation, etc.).

Neologisms, one of the sources that currently replenish the Kazakh terminological base, are classified into two types: 1) neologisms created due to the emergence of new concepts that have never existed in the language; 2) neologisms created by renewing, modernizing and transforming names that already exist in the language. At the same time, the lexical units belonging to the first group are introductory words, and in the second group are neologisms that arose in the process of term formation based on national cognition, which began to gain priority in modern Kazakh terminology. Currently, the vast majority of neologisms the Kazakh language are terms that have entered the Russian language from English.

At present, in the Kazakh language, the parallel use of terms is widely observed. In industry terms dictionaries, legislation, and scientific works, the terms that have entered the Russian language from European languages are used simultaneously with their equivalents in Kazakh. Such a phenomenon of variability can be divided into the following types: 1) parallel use of the Kazakh language version of a term in Russian from European languages and its equivalent in Kazakh: 2) use of several alternatives in Kazakh for a term in Russian or from European languages.

About the Authors

S. K. Kulmanov
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics
Russian Federation


N. M. Rsaliyeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. D. Omarova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Zh. E. Eskendir
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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For citations:

Kulmanov S.K., Rsaliyeva N.M., Omarova A.D., Eskendir Zh.E. SEMANTIC PROCESSES INMODERN KAZAKH TERMINOLOGY. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):85-94. (In Kazakh)

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