The article substantiates the relevance of developing a methodology for teaching Kazakh as a foreign language (MTKFL): the prerequisites for the problem of preserving and developing the national (Kazakh) language, external and internal factors of aggravation of this problem at the present stage, as well as the already observed consequences of the lack of implementation of the MTKFL in countries where ethnic Kazakhs live are revealed.
The object of the analysis are normative legal acts, national programs, strategic plans, reports on science, analytical reports, sociological studies, textbooks, and publications of domestic and foreign scientists. To determine the degree of development of MTKFL in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the domestic and foreign experience of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language was analyzed and the degree of actualization and relevance of the MTKFL in world science and practice was identified. The results of the study allowed us to confirm the assumption that the actions taken by the authors to implement the scientific project “Methods of teaching Kazakh as a foreign language through a system of ethno-cultural units” are relevant, timely and will contribute to the development of a scientifically-based MTKFL for ethnic Kazakhs living abroad.
About the Authors
Zh. A. MaydangalievaKazakhstan
G. A. Kuzembayeva
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For citations:
Maydangalieva Zh.A., Kuzembayeva G.A. TEACHING KAZAKH LANGUAGE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. Tiltanym. 2023;92(4):66-83. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2023-4-66-83