


The article presents written monuments of the Golden Horde era of the XIV century, studying the language of the palace safe "Gulistan bit-Turks" and "Khosrow and Shirin", dedicated to several lexical and semantic groups: religious words, kinship, positions and professions held, social and social vocabulary, trade, intellectual, human qualities, fruits, astronomical topics, mood, military names, entertainment, proper names, gems, etc.  A statistical study of the collected thematic groups is carried out, their frequency is determined for the first time and the cause is investigated. The peculiarity of the use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, polysemous words in the texts is indicated. They were compared with the use of some words in the modern Kazakh language and local colloquial dialects. Passing through the sound, morphological changes of words in the Arabic and Persian languages, the manuscript and modern Kazakh versions are considered in the Middle Ages, when the Kipchak economic discourse was formed and developed with specific examples, which formed the basis for the widespread spread of linguoeconomic discourse with the consolidation of economic terms in the modern Kazakh language. 

The article defines the semantic field of old words, divided into lexical and semantic groups by methods of comparative historical, semantic analysis, component analysis.

About the Authors

G. B.  Kobdenova
Ahmet Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

M. M. Malbakov
Ahmet Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


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For citations:

Kobdenova G.B., Malbakov M.M. LEXICO-SEMANTIC GROUPS OF WRITTEN MONUMENTS OF THE GOLDEN HORDE ERA. Tiltanym. 2023;92(4):56-65. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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