As it is known, in accordance with the paradigmatic prism, the formation and development of linguistics as a science for a number of years have traditionally been correlated with comparative-historical, system-structural directions. It should be noted that in recent years, language and speech have been considered in aspects of anthropocentrism. The transition of general scientific evolution to a synergetic platform requires a different methodology for studying linguistic objects. In world linguistics, the methodological possibilities of synergetics are actively used for linguistic research, attempts are being made to interpret language and its sublevels (phonetics, word formation, lexicology, syntax, text, discourse, translation studies, etc.) as a synergetic, self-organizing, complex system in which it is constantly in dynamics. As a result of scientific research, a new direction of linguistics was formed – language synergetics / linguosynergetics. Language synergetics / linguosynergetics is a methodological platform for analyzing and modeling the evolution, development, open nature of the national language, and dynamic processes in it. As a new scientific direction, the synergetics of language allows Kazakh linguistics to develop in accordance with the scientific trends of world linguistics.
The article analyzes the formation of a synergetic trend in world linguistics, the first searches and results in order to substantiate the concept of "language is a synergetic system".
About the Authors
K. S. AldashevaKazakhstan
K. A. Kabassova
K. B. Koptleuova
D. A. Karagoishiyeva
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Aldasheva K.S., Kabassova K.A., Koptleuova K.B., Karagoishiyeva D.A. SYNERGISTIC POSSIBILITIES OF LANGUAGE RESEARCH. Tiltanym. 2023;92(4):3-11. (In Kazakh)