


The article provides brief descriptions of 9 subcorpuses being developed as part of the National Corpus of the Kazakh Language with a fund of electronic texts in 40 million word usage, and also analyzes in detail the cultural and semantic markup of the linguistic and cultural subcorpus. For the first time, the experience of introducing a linguocultural subcorpus into the national corpus of the Kazakh language is being practiced.

The linguistic and cultural subcorpus is one of the tools for deeper knowledge of the ethno-cultural development of the Kazakh ethnic group and its spiritual and material values, ethnographic, cultural and cognitive concepts, and as the most important mechanism of cognition that characterizes the unification of the population in the functions of language. The main purpose of cultural and semantic markup is to identify folk knowledge, which is based on the cultural significance of linguistic units. Along with the lexical meaning of the word, ethno-cultural semantics, systems of cognitive knowledge, precedent content knowledge, which is the basis of the word, are no less important.

Analytical, descriptive, ethnolinguistic and lexico-semantic methods were used in the study of this problem. The scientific significance of the article is a reflection of the prerequisites for the introduction of a linguocultural subcorpus into the national corpus of the Kazakh language and models of interpretation of cultural codes hidden in ethnomarker language units. Practical significance. The linguocultural subcorpus of the national corpus of the Kazakh language will be a useful linguistic tool for obtaining lexico-semantics, cognitive meaning of a certain ethno-cultural unit in the Kazakh language.

About the Authors

G. S. Isaeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


M. Serikkyzy
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


E. A. Utebayeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics



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For citations:

Isaeva G.S., Serikkyzy M., Utebayeva E.A. CULTURAL AND SEMANTIC MARKUP IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LINGUOCULTURAL SUBCORPUS. Tiltanym. 2023;(3):135-143. (In Kazakh)

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