


There has been no in-depth, comprehensive and systematic study of the history of one of the complex grammatical categories of verbs-the category of adverbs, although it is found only slightly in some monuments and textbooks concerning the history of a particular language. One of the urgent problems of Kazakh Turkological science is a comprehensive study of the Turkic languages of any linguistic unity in historical periods, a comprehensive study of them from a synchronous and diachronic point of view and determining the level of historical continuity in comparison with our modern language.

The article examines the grammatical function of the adverbial suffixes -yp, -ip, -up, -üp, -p in the Mamluk-Kipchak language, their influence and phonetic variants on the meaning of the word to which it is attached, the history of development and formation. The research is based on the materials of 5 monuments written in the Mamluk-Kipchak language and extant to the present day. The research work is based on the main method of studying the historical development of language - the comparative historical method.

Phonetic variants of adverbial forms with suffixes -yp, -ip, -up, -üp, -p the order of attachment to the root, various semantic gradients in the main and indirect meanings, all of them do not differ much from modern Turkic languages, including Kazakh. Some features have been preserved in the modern Oguz language, and some in Kipchak. Even small differences between them can be considered as a natural phenomenon that arises during the historical development of the language.

About the Author

K. Sadykbekov
Suleyman Demirel University



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For citations:

Sadykbekov K. THE HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND FORMATION OF ADVERBIAL SUFFIXES -YP, -IP (based on the monuments of Mamluk Kipchak). Tiltanym. 2024;(1):37-45. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2411-6076 (Print)
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