


The article provides a conceptual and semantic analysis of the name of the red color. The purpose of the article is to identify the conceptual meaning of red color in Kazakh culture. To achieve this goal, the article was analyzed by lexicographic, conceptual methods. It is established that the red color, in addition to coloring, is the main symbol of the manifestation of metaphysical concepts, historical events, is in poetic, aesthetic cognition an attribute of rejuvenation, difficulty, hot temper, etc. It is proved that words combined with «red» are carefully selected and have a wide range of compatibility. Since red is one of the most saturated colors, it is not characterized by slowness, weakness, calmness, but rather is actively used in depicting the qualities of dexterity, strength, equanimity, irritability, sharpness. Red color is active in the manifestation of the concepts of danger, excitement, passion, strength, aggression, and sometimes luck. This means that it has a wide application in the transmission of not only emotional, but also physiological reactions. Since red is a saturated color, its ability to surprise the environment is reflected in the language in the same way. This was determined as a result of a conceptual analysis of the word «red». The lexical, terminological, poetic, ethno-cultural periphery of the word «red» is defined. Judgments related to the concept of «red» in universal and Kazakh cognition were also compared.

About the Author

A. Balabekov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University



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For citations:

Balabekov A. CONCEPTUAL SEMANTICS OF RED COLOR WORDS. Tiltanym. 2024;(1):123-132. (In Kazakh)

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