


Translation is an essential tool in communication between various cultures and ethnics. Translation helps to bring people closer together, to find the point of contact even in non-related languages. It is important to highlight that the translation is as a carpet where from one side the pattern is brighter than another side of the carpet. The purpose of the translator is to try to keep the same patterns on both sides, to convey the national identity of the target language. The literary translation is the most challenging type of the translation, as the translator does not only describe the story of the event, besides the translator puts the soul on the work, since the artist gives birth to this piece of art. In this regard, the work of the translator becomes more difficult, whereas the translator must not only present the translation in another language, but also conveys to the recipients all the national identity. In our research, we made an attempt to analyze the translational transformations, and which of them are more effective in the literary translation. Our study is based on the novel-trilogy “The Nomads” of I.Yesenberlin. The purpose of our research is to determine the transformation methods of Kazakh non-equivalent vocabulary into Russian and English languages. The following methods were used in the research: description, comparison, contrast, empirical, cognitive, ethnolinguistic and conceptual. The relevance of the article lies in the selection of empirical material from the trilogy, identifying the methods of transformation used in translation, and studying their features. Based on this, the results are discussed and specific conclusions are given. The practical significance of the article is related to the acquisition of practical and theoretical materials for future scientific work by undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists. In addition, it can be used in practical classes in the subjects of Lexicology, Theory and Practice of Translation, Linguo-cultural Studies for philology students.

About the Authors

B. S. Karagulova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Corresponding author, Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent.


S. Mukhtarova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Candidate of Philological Sciences.


R. Koilybayeva
Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).



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For citations:

Karagulova B.S., Mukhtarova S., Koilybayeva R. TRANSFORMATION ISSUES IN TRANSLATION. Tiltanym. 2024;(2):140-149. (In Kazakh)

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