The etymology of the concept of hope is revealed in the article, its conceptual analysis is carried out, conceptual fields are defined. The purpose of the article is to compare the concept of hope and its ethymon, to comprehend the level of knowledge of hope accumulated in the human mind in creating a linguistic picture of the world, to determine the conceptual fields that make up the macro concept of hope. During the disclosure of the above tasks, the scientific opinions of scientists are analyzed. In revealing the nature of the concept of hope in the Kazakh worldview, etymological, conceptual, comparative methods of analysis are used. Examples of its structural types are given, which have their own significance in revealing the essence of the concept. It was found that when grouping stable phrases and proverbs depending on the conceptual fields of the concept of hope, it becomes the basic concept. The research results, conclusions and judgments in the article can be used in lectures on cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, etymology, psycholinguistics, special courses on the theory of concepts, as well as in the compilation of concepts and dictionaries of the conceptual field. And the structural types of the concept of hope and the conceptual analysis on them are of great practical importance.
About the Author
A. A. BiyazdykovaKazakhstan
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For citations:
Biyazdykova A.A. CONCEPTUAL FIELDS THAT MAKE UP THE CONCEPT OF «HOPE». Tiltanym. 2023;92(4):20-27. (In Kazakh)