


Currently, the issue of using precedent texts in the media is an interesting and relevant topic. Precedent phenomena are manifestations that convey and shape national cultural values. That is why journalists widely use such quotation structures in their texts. In this way, they show the uniqueness of their work, increase the reader's interest, quickly attract attention, and can convey information succinctly. The purpose of our article on studying this issue is to analyze and collect precedent texts found in the media. To achieve this goal, it was supposed to solve the following tasks: defining the concepts of precedent phenomenon, precedent text; determine the main role of precedent text in modern journalism; focus on the main sources of precedents; consideration of cognitive and linguocultural aspects of precedent texts in newspaper discourse. Description, analysis and comparison methods are used in the research. In the main part of our article the survey was conducted among Kazakh-speaking and Russian-speaking youth. As a result of the study, the appearance of precedent texts on the pages of the press was analyzed. By conducting a survey, the recognition and acceptance of precedent texts in the knowledge of young people was determined. The works “Shyragyn sonbesin”, “Oyangan olke”, “Oyan, Qazaq!” are studied as a precedent text in newspaper discourse. The results of the study can be used in teaching the subjects of stylistics, text linguistics, and journalism in educational institutions.

About the Authors

A. Kappasova
Karaganda Buketov University

Aigerim Kappasova - Doctoral student


A. Adilova
Karaganda Buketov University

Almagul Adilova - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor



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Supplementary files


For citations:

Kappasova A., Adilova A. PRECEDENT TEXT AND SEMANTICS OF THE ARTICLE. Tiltanym. 2024;(3):224-233. (In Kazakh)

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