


The article describes ritual rituals as one of the most important components of the spiritual life and culture of an ethnic group. They are considered as a phenomenon that transfers the norms, values and practices of the linguocultural collective from generation to generation. Accordingly, the purpose of the research is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the second-meaning scriptonyms, which are stored in the genetic memory of a person as structural-unconscious knowledge and are formed on the basis of ritual rituals. To achieve the purpose of the study, conclusions about the secondary meaning, representation of linguistic data related to ritual rituals are analyzed, linguocultural codes are identified and analyzed. The definition of the methods of semantic transition of secondary significant scriptonyms, linguocultural codes formed on the basis of ritual rituals within the framework of the anthropospecific paradigm is recognized as a method of determining the ethnic identity and peculiarities of the linguistic consciousness of the Kazakh people. The article uses etymological analysis, conceptual and lingucultural interpretation methods to reveal the meaning of language usages that have a secondary meaning.As a result of the research work, it is determined that among the language units that make up the action code, taboo words are often the catalyst for scriptonyms. In particular, the modern linguistic representation of scriptonyms, which have acquired a secondary meaning, is supported by examples from the pages of works and fiction about Kazakh customs and traditions. The scriptonyms analyzed in the research work and the linguocultural and conceptual concepts assigned to them can be used as a means of facilitating intercultural participation, in explaining the meaning and etymology of native words of the Kazakh language in a foreign language audience.

About the Authors

R. Akegozhayeva
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

Raya Akegozhayeva - doctoral student


A. Murzinova
Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University

Aigul Murzinova - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



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For citations:

Akegozhayeva R., Murzinova A. LINGUISTIC REPRESENTATION OF RITUAL CEREMONIALS IN THE KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Tiltanym. 2024;(3):108-120. (In Kazakh)

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