Any nation's unique identity, traditions, material and spiritual heritage, which have formed since ancient times, are a reflection of the life path of that nation. The heritage from ancient times is not only a simple witness of history for today's generation but also a high pillar of our modern culture. Our goal is to increase the need to study and master the material and spiritual heritage through ethnocultural analysis of the names related to sacred places, introducing onyms, previously excluded from research, into scientific discourse. To achieve this objective, it will be essential to solve the following tasks: Separation of the names related to the public and social life of people in the country into several groups; Classify the names of sacred places based on their lexical-semantic types. The methods of analysis, systematization, ethno linguistic analysis of language data, and descriptive approaches were used during the research. An overview of the works of domestic and foreign scientists of the mentioned nature was made. The need to study and promote sacred places is that they have essential historical, cultural and social-political significance. Sacred places show the depth of the roots of ethnic consciousness and the people's high spiritual level; they are also considered one of the key mechanisms of restoration and renewal of ethnic, historical, cultural and religious memory. Twelve objects along the Syr are included in the list of sacred places of Kazakhstan. They are: Shirik-Rabat town, Zhankent town, Begim Ana tower, Zhent, Syganaq town, Oqshy ata mausoleum, Qorasan ata mausoleum, Tolegetai-Qylyshty Ata mausoleum, Zhanqozha batyr mausoleum, Buqarbai batyr mausoleum, Qorqyt Ata monument complex, icon of Mother of God dedicated to the Sacred Kazan Cathedral (Sacred Kazan Cathedral Icon of God's Mother). Some places are not included in this list. Word formation and lexical-semantic analysis of the names of sacred places were made, and their features were highlighted. Although sacred places in the Syr region are studied from a historical-archaeological, literary, and ethnographic point of view, the article was based on studying them from an ethnolinguistic point of view in connection with the national values characteristic of the ethnos.
About the Authors
A. AlmauytovaKazakhstan
Assiya Almauytova - Candidate of Philological Sciences
G. Oralova
Gulzira Oralova - Candidate of Philological Sciences
А. Tulebayeva
Aidyngul Tulebayeva - Master
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For citations:
Almauytova A., Oralova G., Tulebayeva А. ETHNO-CULTURAL NATURE OF NAMES RELATED TO SACRED PLACES IN SYR REGION. Tiltanym. 2024;(3):85-95.