


The article, based on zootoponyms, determines the population's knowledge of social status and taste in choosing names. On the social basis of motivation for toponyms, the soul, harmony and identity of the people are preserved, therefore, naming combines the social aspects and psychological foundations of the people. Particular attention is paid to the cognitive function, according to the stored experience of the population in zootoponyms as national knowledge, socio-psychological code, in the disclosure of information. The pragmatic potential of names (direction, feature of an object, etc.) has been studied and their place as a means of conveying the perception of the world has been determined.

The purpose of the article is to determine the social and psycholinguistic features of zootoponyms based on an analysis of their meaning, to determine the role of the population in the creation of zootoponyms as a socio-psychological code. Analysis of information related to social and psychological motives in zootoponyms, development and systematization of scientific justification.

Research methods: statistical method, typological method, descriptive method, questionnaire, conceptual, component (semantic) analysis.

The research work was carried out in the lexical-semantic, cognitive direction.

Zootoponyms are a socio-psychological code that determines the existence of a people due to a secondary name: on the one hand, cultural knowledge, on the other hand, a way of life, on the third hand, a sign, an object.

The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that its main results can be used in theoretical courses such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, onomastics, cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, as well as in seminars on teaching the Kazakh language.

About the Author

S. Imanberdiyeva
S. Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor.



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For citations:

Imanberdiyeva S. ZOOTOPONYMS AS A SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL CODE. Tiltanym. 2024;(2):42-51. (In Kazakh)

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