


In the article, paired words of the ancient Uighur language are compared with modern Kazakh paired words. The ancient Uighur language is one of the branches of the ancient Turkic language, like other Turkic languages. The purpose of this article is to compare and study to what extent the elements of the ancient Uighur language, which are currently being studied in our country, are found and preserved in the modern Kazakh language. Along with the researchers of the country, the works of foreign scientists-researchers of the ancient Uighur language were considered. During the writing of the article, the use of paired words in ancient Uighur texts of the late VIII-XIV centuries was studied, and it was revealed to what extent they are found in the modern Kazakh language. Sentences taken from ancient Uighur language texts were compared with the modern Kazakh language and analyzed from the point of view of the grammar of the modern Kazakh language. As a result, it was found that paired words in the modern Kazakh language have not lost their original, historical meaning, but have undergone some phonetic changes, but have not changed significantly. This interested us, and we decided to compare them. The work is of great scientific and practical importance. The results obtained can be used as a research material on the history of the Kazakh language and Turkology. In addition, during the research, we found that the modern Kazakh language has absorbed a huge number of linguistic elements from the ancient Turkic languages, and they are still used.

About the Authors

A. Kairat
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Corresponding author, Master.


Sh. Burkitbayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).



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For citations:

Kairat A., Burkitbayeva Sh. PAIRED WORDS IN ANCIENT UYGHUR AND MODERN KAZAKH LANGUAGES. Tiltanym. 2024;(2):133-139. (In Kazakh)

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