The language of written monuments of the Golden Horde era is rich in such artistic and stylistic means as phraseological units and metaphors that reflect the worldview and way of life of the Turkic peoples. Therefore, the relevance of the research topic is due to the value of studying phraseological units and metaphors found in the written monument of the Sarai Safe «Gulistan bit-Turki» (hereinafter – «Turkshe Gulistan») of the Golden Horde period. The article analyzes phraseological units and metaphors in two aspects: structural-semantic and linguocognitive. Phraseological units and metaphors are divided into four lexical and semantic groups and their continuity with the Kazakh language is analyzed. Phraseological units and figurative expressions, collected in eight sections of the written monument, form the concept of «Man», which reflect the existence and knowledge of the people. They are intertwined with the religious knowledge of that period. The concept of «Man» is subdivided and analyzed according to the linguocognitive models «Man – power», «Man – satisfaction», «Man – about the benefits of laconicism».
The practical significance of the work. Linguistic explanations of metaphors and phraseological units in the text of "Turkshe Gulistan" can be used in the practical development of semantic meta-marks of linguistic units of medieval texts of the historical subcorpus. They are being developed within the framework of the National Corpus of the Kazakh Language at the Institute of Linguistics Akhmet Baitursynov.
About the Authors
A. A. SeitbekovaKazakhstan
G. M. Mamyrbek
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For citations:
Seitbekova A.A., Mamyrbek G.M. PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS IN A WRITTEN MONUMENT SAFE SHEDS «GULISTAN BIT-TURKI». Tiltanym. 2024;(1):27-36. (In Kazakh)