The article is devoted to the study of the lexical composition of Kazakh words in V.V. Radlov's dictionary "The experience of the dictionary of Turkic dialects". The most optimal way to achieve this goal is to analyze words by thematic groups. The main feature of this method of research is that only in this way is a high-quality and scientifically complete study of the structure and composition of the Kazakh vocabulary in the general Turkic dictionary achieved. Considering the vocabulary of the Kazakh language of the XIX century by preliminary distribution into thematic groups and further analysis of the composition of these words, it is possible to reveal the full picture of the life of the people during the historical period. The article uses scientific methods of decomposition and systematization by semantic groups, synchronous and diachronic analysis, methods of comparative and comparative analysis. During the thematic analysis of words, it becomes possible to determine the level of linguistic competence of the author, the compiler of the dictionary. This article can serve as an example of the study of the vocabulary of the Kazakh language from a historical-lexicological and historical-lexicographic point of view. As a result, by conducting a thematic analysis of Kazakh words in Radlov's dictionary, it becomes possible to determine the structure and composition of the historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language of the XIX century.
About the Authors
M. MalbakulyKazakhstan
M. Berdillaeva
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For citations:
Malbakuly M., Berdillaeva M. ON THE LEXICAL COMPOSITION OF KAZAKH WORDS FROM THE DICTIONARY OF V.V. RADLOV. Tiltanym. 2024;(1):13-26. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2024-1-13-26