The article proves on the basis of nominal phrases that, according to the theory of nomination, derived nominatives enter the linguistic system and become facts of lexicography. The aspects of the name are noted, the name of the phrases is considered in connection with the Turkish izafat. The differences between linguistic and spoken language nominations are noted. The influence of writing on the naming process is proved by examples. Examples were selected from periodicals in 2023 in order to show the current use of nominal phrases, as new words first appear in scientific literature, journalistic style, gradually replenishing the ranks of industry terms.The difference between them and other types of phrases was mentioned, for clarity, the result was plotted on the drawing. The article is devoted to an urgent and quite popular issue – nominativeness. Because nominativity has long been one of the ways to enrich the vocabulary of any language, and is currently one of the most effective methods. The purpose of the article is to analyze the development of nominal phrases on the basis of scientific data before their lexicalization and registration in dictionaries; to prove the need for registration in dictionaries, practical significance, increase in vocabulary; to demonstrate the continuity of the process of lexicalization of phrases, the influence of spelling on the naming process; as a result, to show that in addition to nominal phrases consisting of two components, there are complex nominal phrases whose composition exceeds more than two components.
About the Author
B. MomynovaKazakhstan
Doctor of Philology, Professor.
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