The relevance of the research is due to the need to develop a «Historical poetic subcorpus» of the National Corpus of the Kazakh Language (hereinafter – the NCKL) as an information and innovation base of the state language, a scientific research and educational Internet resource. The text base of the "Historical Poetic subcorpus" should cover the texts of written monuments of the VI – XIX centuries. However, at the initial stage of the development of the «Historical Poetic subcorpus», Old Kazakh poetic texts of the XV-XIX centuries will be included in the database. The written legacies of this period are written in Arabic graphics. Manuscripts of written legacies have two or more versions, and the vast majority of handwritten texts are now written in Cyrillic. Before entering such texts into the corpus database, linguistic and textual processing and correction are carried out. The purpose of the article is to study the experience of creating a poetic subcorpus of other languages, to conduct a linguotextological analysis of Arabic and Cyrillographic texts, to consider the issues of developing meta-labeling of texts of the "Historical poetic subcorpus" of the NCKL. This implies the following research objectives: firstly, to analyze the experiences of other languages in the development of a poetic subcorpus and to identify their advantages; secondly, to conduct a linguotextological analysis with a comparison of Arabic and Cyrillic texts; thirdly, to determine the parameters of historical poetic meta-markup. The practical significance of the study. The digitization of texts of historical poetic heritage and the development of a database of corpus texts contributes to the provision of a new system of philological, ethnolinguistic knowledge, the creation of scientific linguistic research.
About the Authors
A. SeitbekovaKazakhstan
Ainur Seitbekova - , Candidate of Philological Sciences
N. Yelesbai
Nurzhuma Yelesbai - Master of Pedagogical Sciences
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For citations:
Seitbekova A., Yelesbai N. HISTORICAL POETIC SUBCORPUS: DATABASE OF OLD KAZAKH POETIC TEXTS. Tiltanym. 2024;(3):140-150. (In Kazakh) https://doi.org/10.55491/2411-6076-2024-3-140-150