


The article will discuss the features of dialogical communication between men and women, characteristic of the category of gender.

In the article, the topics discussed by men and women were determined based on the dialogue discourse collected from the fiction.

There were analyzed features related to emotional discourse of men and women through the dialogue and the reasons of differences were defined. Also, the features related to the invective vocabulary used by men and women were determined.

 The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the emotional discourse of men and women, the scope of use of invective vocabulary in their language, the topics discussed, the type of Kazakh dialogue as a result of discussion of male and female characters with reference to linguistic facts taken from fiction.

The scientific and practical significance of the article is the issues discussed in the article and the results obtained can be used as additional scientific material in the field of lexicology, textual criticism and discourse in Kazakh linguistics.

The gender factor in the language of a literary text is also valuable in determining the stylistic, psychological, thematic characteristics of a woman and a male author, as well as the characteristics of the author’s speech and the characters’ word usage. The language of the literary text takes into account gender differentiation, showing facts familiar to us. From this point of view, defining the features of the Kazakh dialogue on the basis of dialogic relations between a man and a woman, which occupy a special place in our national discourse, proves the value of the article.

About the Authors

T. Ramazanov
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


I. A. Aydemir
Hacettepe University




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For citations:

Ramazanov T., Aydemir I.A. GENDER FEATURES OF THE KAZAKH DIALOGUE (based on prose works). Tiltanym. 2024;(1):109-122. (In Kazakh)

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