


In the context of the modern process of globalization, the intensification of scientific, technical, economic, political, cultural, literary, and linguistic ties between states indicates that an increasing number of new words have entered the language and have become an urgent problem of the system of formation of new words in terminology. In order to determine the manifestation of the modern system of terminology formation in the Turkic languages, a comparative study was conducted on the example of grammatical terms of the Kazakh and Turkish languages, similarities and differences in the grammar of the two languages were revealed, prerequisites for the possibility of unification of grammatical terms formed at the stage of global development were created. To achieve this goal, the article characterizes the stages of the formation of the grammatical sphere in the Kazakh and Turkish languages, reviews scientific conclusions in the field of grammar of two languages and the works of the founding scientists of linguistics. In the course of the study, terms from grammar textbooks in two languages were generalized, their structural specificity, terminological sphere, from which language they entered in the presence of a borrowed term were analyzed. Similarities and differences in the sound, root form of grammatical terms grouped from two languages were presented in the comparative table. According to the results of the study, it was found that the grammatical terms of the Kazakh language have been finally formed, and in the Turkish language grammatical terms still have a variety. The results of the research of the article acquire great practical importance in the unification of grammatical terms in grammar textbooks used in teaching Kazakh and Turkish.

About the Authors

A. A. Kassymova
Shakarim University


A. A. Khabiyeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


G. S. Omarbayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Kassymova A.A., Khabiyeva A.A., Omarbayeva G.S. ABOUT THE UNIFICATION PROBLEM GRAMMATICAL TERMS IN THE KAZAKH AND TURKISH LANGUAGES. Tiltanym. 2024;(1):46-54. (In Kazakh)

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