


The global Internet network creates new conditions of communication, in which, under the influence of certain factors, the formation and realisation of interaction between the participants of Internet communication takes place. The purpose of the article is to determine the factors of formation and realization of virtual language personality in the Kazakhstani blogosphere, namely cultural and social aspects of its formation.The paper presents a brief review of studies devoted to the study of virtual linguistic personality in different aspects. The peculiarities of formation and expression of linguistic identity in the virtual environment are considered, with a focus on the blogo sphere of Kazakhstan. The authors analyze thematic and genre orientation, preferences in the use of a particular language by bloggers for self-presentation and interaction with the audience; they give examples of blogs whose content is characterized by national specifics. They give examples of blogs, the content of which is distinguished by national specificity. The research is based on the analysis of blog texts, comments and reactions of the audience, as well as on interviews with active participants of the Kazakhstani blogosphere. The results of the work will allow to better understand the peculiarities of linguistic personality in the context of the Kazakhstani virtual environment and identify the main factors that influence the formation of linguistic culture and identity of virtual linguistic personality in the Kazakhstani blogosphere.  

About the Authors

K. Iskakova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Kuralai Iskakova - Doctoral student


B. Kurmanova
K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University

Baktygul Kurmanova - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences



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