


The article is devoted to scientific-theoretical and applied-practical issues (development of metatext and terminological markings) of the creation of a terminological subcorpus, which is part of the National Corpus of the Kazakh Language (NCKL).

In the course of the study, the following results were achieved in the development of the terminological subcorpus of the NCKL: 1) scientific texts included in the terminological corpus base have the following meta-text markups: Source, Text type, Text Title, Text Style, Keywords of the text, Field of science, Text language, Number of pages of text, Text graphics, Number of usages, Age of the audience, Subcorpus, Date the text was entered, Markup; 2) terminological terms of various branches of science were assigned terminological markings, including the following parameters: variants of the term in Kazakh and Russian, the etymology of the term and the words that make up the terminological combination, and its equivalent in the Kazakh language, the definition of each term in the Kazakh language, the source from which it was obtained definition of the term, area(s) of application of the term, author of the term, composition of the term, approved version of the term, year of its approval, translation of the term in industry terminology dictionaries, use of the term in legislation (translation and variants).

The theoretical significance: clarifies and complements the scientific foundations of the compilation of bilingual and multilingual industry, explanatory terminological dictionaries, the development of electronic dictionaries, contributes to the development of applied terminology and terminography.

The practical significance: it can be used in lexicographic practice in the process of developing thematic and sectoral terminological subcorps and during the improvement of the structure and content of various terminological dictionaries.

The research used methods of collection, sorting, systematization, translation, diachronic, factual, lexicographic comparison and matching, structural (morphological, syntactic) analysis.

About the Authors

S. K. Kulmanov
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. Z. Bissengali
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


N. K. Shulenbayev
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics


A. D. Omarova
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



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For citations:

Kulmanov S.K., Bissengali A.Z., Shulenbayev N.K., Omarova A.D. KAZAKH DIGITAL TERMINOLOGY: EXPERIENCE IN DEVELOPING A TERMINOLOGICAL SUBCORPUS (metatext and terminology markup parameters). Tiltanym. 2024;(1):155-165. (In Kazakh)

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