


The article discusses the demonstration of prosodic features of poetic discourse introduced into the oral subcorpus database. Currently, the corpus database contains poems and epic poems of contemporary Kazakh poets, showcasing their prosodic features. Additionally, each poet's poems and epic poems are assigned meta-tags. The peculiarity of this poetic subcorpus is the introduction of the public to the works of Kazakh poets and the demonstration of their prosodic features. For this purpose, each work entered into the corpus database was divided into poetic feet, and the prosodic characteristics of melody were demonstrated. Orthoepy is also provided.

This poetic subcorpus database serves as an auxiliary tool, providing information on poetic texts and intended for master's students, doctoral candidates, and researchers exploring the intonational features of poetic texts. Currently, poetic subcorpora of Russian, Czech (, and Bashkir ( languages are in operation. The poetic corpus database can also be referred to as an electronic library since poems by any poet can be obtained from this database and used. As the poetic subcorpus database is replenished, poems of each poet will be made available to the public. Thus, the corpus database is infinite and will be replenished annually.

About the Authors

A. Amanbayeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Corresponding author, Candidate of Philological Sciences.


N. Urtegeshev
Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Russian Federation

Doctor of Philology.



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For citations:

Amanbayeva A., Urtegeshev N. ORAL POETIC SUBCORPUS: PROSODIC FEATURES OF POETIC DISCOURSE. Tiltanym. 2024;(2):150-161. (In Kazakh)

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