


The main idea of the study is to determine the toponymic portrait, geographical image of Kazakh villages of the last period of colonization of Kazakh lands of the Russian Empire through historical and chronicle, toponymic data and to substantiate that these lands are indigenous ancestral homeland, which have been owned and migrated by Kazakh tribes since time immemorial.

The paper aims to determine the toponymic image, linguistic content, ethno-cultural semantics in the content of microtoponyms of the northern, north-eastern historical region of Kazakhstan in the period of the late XIX-early XX century. The relevance of the research is due to the need to substantiate toponymic data indicating that this region has been inhabited by Kazakh clans and tribes since ancient times and is their ancestral territory.

The novelty and scientific value of the topic of the paper – name motivation in the semantics of microtoponyms of the studied area, cultural information embedded in the open language code and closed code is determined by the description of folk knowledge in the semantics of names. The analysis of the semantics of microtoponyms with the participation of the tree indicator revealed its ethno-cultural potential.

In the course of the research, traditional methods of systematization, description of linguistic material, historical and factual interpretation were used. The type of rational, irrational (mythological) knowledge in the content of toponyms was also demonstrated.

The hermeneutic method will be effective for analyzing historical and linguistic data. The future prospects of the study are substantiated, and most importantly, it follows from historical sources that onomastic names (toponyms, anthroponyms, patronyms, patronyms, genonyms) in all historical regions of Kazakhstan should be collected and inventoried. In the future it was concluded that it is necessary to create, digitize the database of geographical names in word, excel format from historical sources and old cards in pdf (photo) format, to include in the database Onomastic subcorpus of the "National Corpus of the Kazakh Language".

About the Author

K. Rysbergen
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Doctor of Philological Sciences.



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