


Social media platforms have emerged as indispensable tools for political leaders to communicate directly with citizens, offering insights into the values and sentiments shaping American exceptionalism. This comprehensive analysis delves into President Joe Biden's Twitter account to identify features and examples of the American national character reflected in his communication. It aims to identify peculiarities of his language on Twitter. Through a meticulous examination of Joe Biden's 498 tweets posted between January and March 2024, this study uncovers recurring themes, values, and sentiments that resonate with commonly held beliefs and ideals associated with American exceptionalism. Utilizing natural language processing techniques, statistical descriptive analysis, and content analysis, Joe Biden's communication strategies and their implications for shaping public perception were elucidated, fostering national unity, and reinforcing democratic values. Analyzing Joe Biden's Twitter posts with the words “America” and “American” this article provides a detailed understanding of how the president uses Twitter to express his views on the United States.

About the Authors

A. Rezhep
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Aqniyet Rezhep - Master of Pedagogical Sciences


R. Breeze
University of Navarra

Ruth Breeze - Professor



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For citations:

Rezhep A., Breeze R. JOE BIDEN'S VISION OF AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM ON TWITTER. Tiltanym. 2024;(3):186-198.

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