


The article deals with the actual problem of the expression of anthropocentrism in proverbs of the Russian, Kazakh, Uzbek, and English languages. The content of the proverb is always anthropocentric, since the moralizing, edification of its meaning is directed at a person, therefore all proverbs are anthropocentric, but the ways of expressing anthropocentrism in them are different – explicit and implicit: a) the explicit (open) expression of anthropocentrism is conveyed by lexemes denoting the concept of person (person, man, woman, he, she, they, ...); b) the implicit (indirect) expression of anthropocentrism is transmitted without the use of lexemes denoting the concept of a person, but their edification, allegory are addressed to a person. Anthropocentrism in proverbs is characterized by generality, collectivity, therefore it is also transmitted by lexemes (names) denoting animals, as well as the plant world, which are characterized by both positive and non-positive qualities. The transfer of anthropocentrism by zoonyms is often associated with religious canons such as the prohibition or permission to eat meat of an animal (for example, a donkey or a pig), since some of them are controversial in the history of religion (for example, pork). Therefore, in some proverbs, the names of such animals have a positive characteristic directed at humans, in others – a negative one. The research material was proverbial dictionaries of four languages, scientific and popular scientific research on this problem and the resulting universal and national-cultural views. The proverbial fund of each language functions with an anthropocentric meaning. During the analysis of the linguistic material, such methods as comparative, semantic-stylistic, historical-comparative, etc. were used, which contributed to obtaining results of theoretical and practical significance. 

About the Author

M. Dzhusupov
Uzbek State University of World Languages
Makhanbet Dzhusupov - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor



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