THE SEMANTICS OF OLD-BOOK WORDS IN THE MODERN LITERARY LANGUAGE (based on the novel by writer Qazhyqumar Shabdanuly “Pana”)
This article analyzes the scientific findings on archaic words in Kazakh language , identifying trends in their use in contemporary literary style, which suggests the potential for the revival of Kazakh oral literature and the language of modern writers. The research material is the novel "Pana (Refuge)" by Qazhyqumar Shabdanuly, one of the founders of Kazakh written literature in China. In the course of linguistic analysis, Shabdanuly's text was compared with the kissa-saga, magical folklore, zhyrau poetry, as well as folk songs and poems. This allowed for the identification of the features and reasons for the functional use of archaic words.
During the study the morphemic-semantic analysis was used, which included identifying the root and meaning of words using the comparative-historical method. This method was applied to the study of archaic words both in oral tradition and in the works of the writer. Scientific conclusions related to archaic words were expressed through the methods of systematization, grouping, analysis, description.
As a result, it turned out that Q. Shabdanuly's novel “Pana” is very rich in archaic words, which are the basis of the article, and the author used them as a means of reflecting the historical reality of that time.
About the Authors
A. MursalRussian Federation
Corresponding author, Doctoral student.
B. Aitbayeva
Candidate of Philological Sciences, docent.
A. Yermekova
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For citations:
Mursal A., Aitbayeva B., Yermekova A. THE SEMANTICS OF OLD-BOOK WORDS IN THE MODERN LITERARY LANGUAGE (based on the novel by writer Qazhyqumar Shabdanuly “Pana”). Tiltanym. 2024;(2):89-99. (In Kazakh)