


The article is devoted to the study of the features of the lexical and semantic use of Kazakh words in the dictionary of V.V. Radlov. The dictionary of V.V. Radlov presents a rich vocabulary of the Kazakh language. The purpose of the research work is to determine the features of the lexical and semantic use of words in the vocabulary of the Kazakh language. The main reason for a separate consideration of this issue is that the semantics of Kazakh words, the main materials on which were collected since the middle of the 19th century and published in the last quarter of the same century, is somewhat different from the semantics of the corresponding words in the modern Kazakh language. Since one hundred and fifty years have passed since then, the existence of a slight difference in the meaning of words of that time from the meaning of words today is a natural phenomenon. Due to the accession to the Russian Empire, complex systemic and structural changes took place in the traditional Kazakh society. Several revolutions took place in Russia, a socialist society was created, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed, and our country gained independence. And all this could not but affect the structure of the Kazakh word and its semantics. The study of changes in the semantics of words over one hundred and fifty years is an important task of the history and historical lexicology of the Kazakh language. This largely determines the scientific and practical significance of the study. The article uses the methods of selection and systematization of words, semantic grouping, structural description, semantic unification, synchronic and diachronic analysis, comparison. The value of the conducted research on the study of Kazakh vocabulary from the historical-lexicological and historicallexicographic points of view is obvious. 

About the Authors

M. Malbakov
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Myrzabergen Malbakov - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor


M. Berdillaeva
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism

Mendikyz Berdillaeva - Master of Arts in Humanities


D. Malbakov
Narkhoz University

Darhan Malbakov - Master of Arts in Humanities



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For citations:

Malbakov M., Berdillaeva M., Malbakov D. FEATURES OF LEXICO-SEMANTIC USE OF KAZAKH WORDS IN THE DICTIONARY OF V.V. RADLOV. Tiltanym. 2024;(3):22-30. (In Kazakh)

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