


Written communication in modern society plays a key role in the modern world, in which new features of the national literary norm are manifested and reflected in the dynamics of language. New linguistic features or speech changes in the national literary norm are clearly manifested in the language of the periodical press, one of the authoritative fields of written communication. The peculiarities in the dynamics of language are directly related to the main functions of periodicals: the functions of information transmission and impact. Especially at the present stage, in many genres of the press devoted to the artistic description of facts, the function of influence prevails in the interests of attracting and retaining the reader's attention. In this regard, the language of the press uses linguistic units related to the categories of relevance of the word and expressiveness of the word.

The purpose of the article is to provide justification for determining the concept of the relevance of the word and the expressiveness of the word on the basis of empirical material and scientific conclusions collected and selected from a modern periodical publishing house and to assess from the point of view of speech culture.

The issues discussed in the article and the results obtained can be used in in-depth scientific and practical research of areas in the field of speech culture in Kazakh linguistics, functional stylistics, the language of periodicals, linguopragmatics.

About the Authors

A. Seidamat
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Assel Seidamat - Doctoral student


І. Сetin
Gazi university

Іsmet Сetin - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


N. Tleubayeva
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Nazerke Tleubayeva - Doctoral student


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