


The intensification of the activity of the Kazakh language in accordance with its state status in all spheres of society, the renewal of its potential strengthened the connection of the language with the form of linguistic consumption, began to influence the requirements of everyday practice. This is evident from the active process of terminology creation in the social, economic, political, scientific and technical spheres. In addition, the core of the neonominational process, which created the interrelationships of language~ society, language~consciousness, language ~ culture, etc., is not only scientific and informational, but also cultural and social content. This is the basis for improving not only the quantitative, but also the qualitative level of modern language development. Therefore, the recognition of the influence of language and culture on each other in the form of new terms and the function of language as a unique means of transmitting culture within the framework of cultural representation is especially relevant. Based on this, new names and terms in the Kazakh language, which also serve as a unique feature of the cognitive level of language users, are considered in the article as a “linguistic picture of the world” in accordance with the process of updating the language. In this regard, the purpose of this article is to compare and characterize the linguocognitive and linguocultural foundations of terminologization processes in modern Kazakh and Turkish languages. The following methods were used in the course of the study: descriptive, comparative, cognitive, ethnolinguistic and conceptual. Also, to determine the cultural and national component structured in the mind of a native speaker in a terminologized word, diachronic, contrasting, definitive were used, and discursive analysis, connotative approach, and motivation methods were used to recognize the process of terminologization. The value of the research: by describing and showing the linguocognitive and linguocultural foundations of terminologization processes in modern Kazakh and Turkish languages, we contribute to the improvement and strengthening of the “Turkic world”. The linguistic data and conclusions presented in the article can be used as practical and theoretical material for research by students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young people studying at the faculties of Philology, Translation Studies, Oriental Studies and Turkology.

About the Authors

А. Bissengali
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Аkmaral Bissengali - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Zh. Mankeyeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Zhamal Mankeyeva - Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor


N. Ashimbayeva
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Nagima Ashimbayeva -



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