


This article analyzes the works of Telzhan Shonanuly, a well-known linguist, prominent figure in Kazakh linguistics at the beginning of the 20th century, talented educator, and representative of the Baitursynuly linguistic school, concerning Kazakh orthography and the Kazakh-Latin alphabet. The scientific articles and reports published by Shonanuly between 1924 and 1930 are used as sources, and issues such as writing, orthography, terminology, and the spelling of foreign words are examined. The article is divided into two main parts: the first part analyzes Shonanuly's works on the spelling of native words and Kazakh orthography in general; the second part considers his scientific and publicistic articles on the spelling of foreign words. We compared these works with complex and contradictory issues of modern Kazakh orthography and the works of A. Baitursynuly, Y. Omaruly and tried to reveal the content, essence, novelty and continuity of traditions. As a result of the research, the role and contribution of T. Shonanuly in the formation and development of Kazakh writing and orthography are given due recognition. This article is intended for researchers of Alash linguistics, scholars studying writing theory, and readers interested in the history of Kazakh linguistics. 

About the Author

Ye. Maralbek
A. Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics
Yermukhamet Maralbek - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



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