This article discusses the phonetic-morphological, grammatical problems of the letter F. Since there are different opinions among linguists about the borrowed letter – Ff, which is part of the new Latin alphabet. A number of scientists believe that borrowed words with the letter f do not correspond to the sound features of the Kazakh language, i.e. the letter must be mastered by the letter p according to the phonetic principle, and some scientists suggest that the letter f takes place in the articulatory base of the Kazakh language and therefore should be included in the new alphabet. It is known that words with the letter f used in our language are found in loanwords from Arabic and Persian, and in European words that entered through the Russian language. Therefore, our research work analyzes the use of religious and European words with the letter f in normative dictionaries (the 15-volume dictionary of the modern Kazakh literary language and the 30-volume dictionary of industry terms) based on the methods of linguistic and statistical analysis. The specifics of this letter in religious discourse and its application in onomastics are determined. The proposed research work can be used in works devoted to the problems of adapting borrowed words.
About the Author
A. A. SeitbekovaKazakhstan
Seitbekova Ainur – candidate of philological Sciences, leading scientific positions
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For citations:
Seitbekova A.A. THE BASICS OF INCLUDING THE LETTER «F» IN THE KAZAKH ALPHABETS. Tiltanym. 2021;(3):101-110. (In Kazakh)