


The article analyzes the use of legal terms in legislation, in the dictionary of approved terms, in the Kazakh-Russian, Russian-Kazakh terminological dictionaries of the branches of jurisprudence, in the office work and archives of economics and finance.

Legal terms were considered and the following general points were highlighted: 1) the use of one term in Russian in two or more variants in the Kazakh language (these variants in the Kazakh language are also used as the equivalent of another term in Russian); 2) the use of one term in the Kazakh language as the equivalent of two or more terms in the Russian language (these variants in Russian are also used as the equivalent of another term in the Kazakh language); 3) the use of one-root or terms formed from the same root in Russian in different versions in the Kazakh language (in addition, there is a translation of the same word with different endings or without them).

The article identifies and establishes the reasons for some inconsistencies in the use of legal terms, which are explained by both linguistic and extralinguistic factors (for example, some scientifically grounded conclusions of industry experts, such as: «the factor of tradition», the semantic potential, the descent of terms and etc.); bringing to the forefront the argument about the invariability of the terminology used in the legislative documents; Reflection in approved terminological dictionaries of approved terms, and at the same time not subjected to appropriate unification work; in the research article the main necessary systemic works for eliminating such gaps and shortcomings, which are fundamentally important for the terminology, are listed.

About the Author

S. K. Kulmanov
A.Baitursynuly Institute of Linguistics

Sarsen Kulmanov – candidate of Philological Sciences




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For citations:

Kulmanov S.K. THE PROBLEMS OF DUPLICITY IN THE FUNCTIONING OF LEGAL TERMS. Tiltanym. 2021;(3):74-88. (In Kazakh)

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