STRUCTURAL ASPECT OF WORD-FORMATION MARKUP (derived words and ways of word formation)
In the national corpus of the Kazakh language, word-formation markings are among the linguistic markups that have their own structure, as well as other morphological, lexical and semantic markups. Therefore, when preparing the development of word-formation markups, it is necessary to consider the phenomena characteristic of word-formation markings. In this article, we consider the history of word formation as a separate branch of linguistics. We focused on derived words and word-formation approaches as a structural aspect of word-formation markups.
About the Authors
A. A. ZhanabekovaKazakhstan
Сhief researcher, doctor of philological sciences, associate professor
K. K. Pirmanova
Junior researcher; PhD student
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For citations:
Zhanabekova A.A., Pirmanova K.K. STRUCTURAL ASPECT OF WORD-FORMATION MARKUP (derived words and ways of word formation). Tiltanym. 2020;(4):3-12. (In Kazakh)